Friends wheeled me around the Oregon Zoo last Sunday, they did a
wonderful job of getting me good views,great ideaDad!!!kudos to Jer,
SusieadGary D for the locomotion!!! |
Here I am again with a much overdue update. Still dealing with my left side
being offline, As in reduced sensation and motor control which is hard times. I can't walk without supervision as in, I am not a solo bathroom user, thanks mom,dad,;others, you know who you are!-thanks for helping with the magic! ; FlucalledAvastin, I appreciate that.My treasure of a friend--->Sara E was Sara-sitting me while my mom went out to Find things I had a seizure about 3 weeks ago &; got
everyone all riled up and; myself admitted into the hospital for a few
days, at the hospital & my poor brain was smooshed
up from swelling, anywho,The doctors were pretty excited;said I shouldn't have been in such good shape as my brain had a midline shift of 13mm....I later googled this, which is something that never helps, yet is irresistible anyways, & with that sort of brain smoosh I should have been in a stupor or "comatose". hospice even came in, which was pretty
wild, I'm okay though,even with what felt like was a day filled with bad news bears in multiple waves. My neurosurgeon visited with furrowed brow,explaining that the surgical intervention to relieve the situation would most likely leave me in bad shape... my oncologist referred me to hospice. My oncologist took some very deep breaths before telling me information We met with social worker &chaplain...There was question to whether it was still worthwhile for me to be working toward rehab&mobility restoration. My left hand fingers have been silent since the morning of February 7th,10 weeks, I miss that a
bunch,specifically I'm missing music . now, every otherMonday I go in for a chemo "infusion,sounds like a spa treatment..." to
shrink this errant pest of a tumor, I hear that some tumors that do not respond to temodar, which is the chemo pill I usedpreviously DOrespond to this chemo potion Avastintreatment,Avastin that I'm using now /think I've hsd 2 IV "infusions ;so far it doesn't seem to make me feel overly miserable just snoozy))it's not made me feel verycrummyat all; the last time, 30 Rock was on the tv so tume flew bylike a birdBirds eat 4 times their own weight each day,
Here I am getting infused with Avastin, no biggie!! |
7 I wish I could too, but my new awesome herbalist has out me on a restricted diet....carb restricted, that's the challenge...ketogenic...it mkes sense, itsa big challengefor me though as I'm on steroids&am; a hungry hippo...luckily I'm a broth enthusiast....Thanks for all your good vibes more,photos coming I hope--- xoxoSARA L.I'm off to occupational therapy(arm work)
Sending you some major love Sara! I hope to come see you soon now that the little pooper is well.
Sending you the best of all possible vibes, and prayers, and love Sarah!!! You are an amazing woman. Thanks for sharing your story.
Guthrie has been asking me when he gets to see you next. I think he is cuddle deprived right now.
Big Love, Laskinator! <3 <3 <3
Thank you for the update Sara. As always, I love hearing from you and about your life. You amaze me in so many ways with your strength and beauty that shines through in even the most difficult of circumstances. I can only imagine how much you miss your music..your passions. A way for your to let your soul speak, so to speak. :( ;) I love you Sara. Thanks for sharing your life with us. You inspire.
It's fantastic hearing your sense of humor come through in this post! Sending you lots of positive thoughts and vibes!!!
I love ya Legs... Your attitude and grace in the face of adversity is inspiring.
You are such a rockstar! Your grace is awesome ... as in awe inspiring. Such an honor to know you and I am so proud of your spirit!!! Sending big, big love your way!! xxoo, Stace
Hello from Brookwood! We are sending you our best and would love to come visit. Your positive attitude is contagious, Sara!
Sending you tons of love from Seattle and counting down the days to when I get to see you.
Miss seeing you Sara! Sending you lots of happy thought.
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