My brain at OHSU |
Greetings Earthlings--thanks to Gale Lasky, aka wondermom, for typing this update for me.
IA whole lot of magnetic attractions going on since my last post of January 4. The
NO at OHSU liked my looks (my brain) and I did qualify for the Tumor imaging
with iron oxide nanoparticles Study! On January 17 through 19th, I arrived at a
secret location (it seemed like traversing a maze to get to the spot marked X) and
dialed the special phone number to have the door opened for me and my helper
person to enter. Not to bore you with all the details, I was injected with nano
Ferumoxtran on one date and 9000 rapid fire scans were taken of my precious
brain. The purpose is to differentiate between tumor and swelling. 2 hour MRI studies!! Results are
not released in a report since it is a trial study, but the information will be useful
for my next adventure- coming up soon, an open biopsy to find out what we are
dealing with.
I have been fortunate to be asymptomatic until last weekend, when I discovered, much to my dismay, that my left side is too weak to type with or operate the flute with accuracy.
playing became difficult and now left side walking is slower, I've got a gangsta lean and often locking knee. Combine these features with my low vision issues and look out everyone!! I am also collecting a collection of bruises from running into things. As you can imagine, being employed at a busy middle school is overwhelming more than ever!
I had another MRI last
past Friday will be used for the biopsy. This biopsy should let us know what is showing up on these MRIs and if....a. swelling is causing these symptoms, b. swelling and tumor growth is the cause,
or c. swelling and blood flow enhanced from rerouting by brain healing. I'm hoping for productive data from pathology as this will be brain surgery #3! Its not an easy experience.
So after this is completed, my NO (neuro oncologist) and surgeon will decide what treatment is
required. Could be Chemotherapy. I will let you know date of Surgery, but I know
it is sooner than later. Possibly between February 2 – 9.
I'll be sure to let you know when the big day is...I appreciate everyone's prayers & good vibes!!!
Thank you to those of you who have been generous with your time in helping me get around town and through the grocery stores in these days of no driving & new ways of being!!!