Those of you who are Facebookers may recognize the title on this entry as the writing prompt that we see on the FB to help us with our current status message. Sometimes I wish they'd change the question every so often to things like, "What are you happy about today?", "What are you up to?", "What's the recipe for your best meal?", "What sort of thing can you complain about today that shows that you are privileged to live in a First World country?"...oh, scratch that last one, those are the ones that make me want to go back to the innocent days of Friendster or Telnet.
I have to be honest with you all right here and now, I've been ignoring this question on Facebook for about 2 or 3 years, because I'd rather share pictures of my cute cat and what's on my mind through photos and links in general.
I was thinking yesterday, what would my statuses be if I answered the "What's on your mind?" writing prompt's a few, beware, you may here the distant sirens of the "Waaaaaaahm-bulance", its a whiny siren.
What's on your mind?
- My dietitian was sincerely impressed with my food diary!! Way to go Mom!!!
- I can open my mouth large enough to eat sushi and I'm not afraid of leaving my zip code, yay!!
- I bought myself a used alto flute today at flute fair!
- I was washing my hands and discovered that I have a bulging bruised vein from one of my IV lines 18 days ago. It just popped out today. Eeeek!
- The neuro-nurse says I need to do a heat compress on said vein, and call her if it gets worse. No more flute playing for a while until this vein is less bulgy.
- In the radiation oncology waiting room...noticing that there must be a trend toward hats and scarves this Spring...I'd better go shopping soon!
- Glad I'm a science teacher so that getting fitted for a radiation therapy mask is pretty interesting...lasers! a face mold! CT scan! and now a 6'8" tall physicist on my medical team! FTW!!!
- Wow, I could write thank you cards all day long and not have thanked everyone enough, I am so blessed!!!!!
- Mandy and Susie slumber parties mid-week, wow!! Thanks ladies!!!!
- Can't wait to get my vision a little better, its pretty subtle, but pretty annoying...right superior quadrantanopia sure does take away 25% of my field of vision...thank you visual cortex for working on how to compensate for this latest surgery, I know you'll get all these tracers and random images right as rain as soon as you can. LYLAS
- Meyer's Loop in my right temporal lobe, I'm kinda missing you right now....we used to read and see so well together, but you were in the right place at the wrong time and that PXA had to go bro'. Peace out!
- Wow, I walked over a mile on a sunny, blue-sky day on the Esplanade!!!
- I can tell I'm exhausted, because I can barely stand up or see without spots, time for a nap!
- Holy cow! Erik Larson sent me a Canon SLR via Nick H. all the way from London!
- TODAY, APRIL 14TH: I'm really nervous and expectant about today's appointment with my radiation therapy folks. I'll get the mask and my first zip zap treatment. I want to know what its going to be like, and I am looking forward to getting this show on the road! Antici......pation!!
CAPTAIN'S LOG 3rd week after noodleday
Guest book: - Dana and Steve fresh from their trip from Hawaii. Enjoyed their scuba video, company and Hawaiian inspired dinner.
- Teacher friends: Scott H., Kim C., Erin O., and Elissa N. did many good deeds
- Amy and Owen came to visit from Seattle last weekend and I can't even begin to list all the wonderful times!
- Gabe, Koali, and their son Mateo (born February 13th, 2011) came to visit with takeout Thai in tow!
- David O. with cute longish curls.
- Casey S. shared smoothie time on Saturday.
- Audrey, Gary, Jeremy, and Susie joined us for pierogi night on Saturday.
non-genetically related Sara Sitters: - Susie, Mandy, Gary D., Amy, Owen
- Me after my "big" walk on the Esplanade, photo by Gale D. Lasky
As of today, its been a month since my surgery, wow! I'll let you know how things go with today's appointment and the schedule for radiation therapy and my experience. I added a feature at the bottom of this page so that if one desires, they can sign up to read my scribblings via email, as I'm pretty sporadic with posting, it'd come to your mailbox when I update.
If you'd like to check out photos from the 3rd week visit:3rdWeekAfterNdlsrg
Thank you to everyone for all of your thoughts, prayers, talks, and unsung help during this time and always. I appreciate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sara L.
You are awesomely loved.
I feel so lucky that you are keeping us updated like this! Don't wear yourself out!
I love knowing what is going on with you, and the photos of Stimpy are appreciated, too. You have had a significant impact on so many people.
<3 you sweet Sara!
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